Q: What was / is the goal for upgrading the Park?
A: Two key factors motivated the City to undertake the Park upgrade: First was the possibility of acquiring more park area resulting from the Saluda Grade Trail. Secondly, was the desire to make modifications, unrelated to the Saluda Grade Trail, that the City believed would enhance public use and enjoyment of the Park.

Q: What are the proposed changes before the Saluda Grade Trail happens?

  • Improve seating and lighting in the Stage "amphitheater" area.
  • Provide ADA access to the Park.
  • Increase effective use of space between the Pavilion and the Playground area that was previously unusable.
  • Increase utilization of the Scout Hut area.

Q: What are the proposed changes for after the Saluda Grade Trail happens?

  • The public area of the Park will be expanded into what is now the Parking lot running alongside the railroad tracks.
  • A picnic area adjacent to the Playground is planned as well as a reconfiguration of the parking area.

Q: What is the total projected cost of the Park's remodel?
A: The total cost was budgeted at $2.5 Million

Q: Who is responsible for the design of the Park?
A: The City is completely responsible for the design of the park. To a great extent, the design is constrained by the terms in the grants received to fund the construction.

Q: Who is responsible for contract negotiations?
A: The City is responsible for the all contract negotiations and governed by the rules municipalities must follow for competitive bidding.

Q: Who is responsible for managing the project during the construction phases? 
A:  The City is solely responsible for managing the work during all phases of the construction.

Q: What is the source of funding for the Park upgrade?
A: The following grants were received to date:
  *NC Dept Commerce $170,000
  *Carolina Foothills Foundation $225,000
  *City of Saluda $75,000

IMPORTANT: Note that the City has obtained grant money from several sources to pay for this upgrade and that every donation comes with 'strings' constraining how the money can be spent. The rules are strict. To be clear, the City cannot spend grant money on things that are not specifically allowed in the terms of the grant.

Q:  Is the Playground footprint going to be reduced? 
A:  No, in fact, the footprint will be larger in the redesigned area.

Q: What is the Construction Schedule for the Park?
A: The McCreery Park upgrade is organized into the Phases shown below.

    • PHASE 1a: Stage and Amphitheater Area.
    • PHASE 1b: The ADA Pathway connecting the Pavilion and Playground Areas
    • PHASE 2: Scout Hut Area
    • PHASE 3: Expanded footprint of the Park including the Picnic area
    • PHASE 4: Art & Exercise Trail

Q: How are the  Friends of McCreery Park organized?
A:Friends of McCreery Park is a non-profit 501(c)(3) North Carolina corporation created at the suggestion of the city to encourage greater utilization of the Park. This involves:

    • Research ideas to increase utilization of the Park through interaction with the residents of Saluda and with other similar organizations in other cities.
    • Recommend policy and design changes to the City it feels will increase utilization of the Park.
    • Raise funds from outside sources for Park improvements that are not included in the City's budget.
    • FRIENDS does not receive money from the City and has no decision-making role in the design or management of the construction of the Park.

Q: Who is on the board of Friends of McCreery Park?

    • Scott Cardais, President
    • Beth Hilton, Treasurer
    • Joel Kirby, Secretary
    • Summer Mauldin, Vice President
    • Paul Marion, Member At Large, City Commissioner
    • Melanie Talbot, Member at Large, City Commissioner
    • Henry Parmalee

Q: Can I attend meetings of the board of Friends of McCreery Park?

    • As of 2024-05-22, two Board meetings are Open to the public. The rest are not Open to the public.
      • [insert DATES of Open meetings]

Q: How Can I Get Involved?
A: Contact Scott Cardais 1-704-661-5393, scott@cardais.com

Q: If I have questions or suggestions to improve the Park, who should I call or write?
A: City of Saluda 828-749-2581-Ext 104, admin@cityofsaludanc.com

Q: Who do I call if I want to use any areas in the Park including the Pavilion or the Scout Hut?

  • The City maintains a Reservation Calendar for both areas of the Park. Click here to view it
  • Call City Hall, to reserve Scout Hut or the Pavilion.
  • admin@cityofsaludanc.com